15 Priniciples for Self Excellence

By Dr. Karthik ND, Mind Works International

Whatever one intends to achieve in your life, be it a career, business, fitness, relationships, wealth, etc., most people get stumbled upon where to start. People get stuck with a limiting belief that they are not great enough, strong enough, experienced enough, rich enough, smart enough to do what they want to do.

As Zag Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. Many people start doing things; however, they get lost in a clear-cut road map of how to go about getting things done, finish what they started, and achieve results.

These 15 principles for personal excellence would be a simple and effective methodology in preparing yourself in the journey to become best version of yourself.

1. Have a Creative Vision
Creative vision is a quality of mind belonging only to people who follow the habit of going the extra mile, for it recognizes no such thing as the regularity of working hours, is not concerned with monetary compensation, and its highest aim is to do the impossible.

Creative vision is definitely and closely related to that state of mind known as belief, and it is significant that those who have demonstrated the greatest amount of creative vision are known to have been people with a great capacity for belief.

Believing and having a vision, which challenges themselves is the first step. This is both logical and understandable when we recognize that belief is the means of approach to infinite possibilities. Imagination is the workshop of the soul wherein all plans are shaped for individual achievement.

2. Definitude of Purpose
While Vision is the “what” you want, Purpose is why you want, find out how to get it, and then take daily action toward achieving your goal.

Definitude of Purpose is the kick start of all achievement.  As Donald McGannon suggests “Leadership is NOT a position or a title, it is Action and Example” It’s an attitude. In your life, you are the leader. You are the CEO of your life.

You will get exactly and only what you ask and work for. Make up your mind today to go after it! Do it now!  Successful people move on their own initiative, but they know where they are going before they start and most importantly, why they are doing it.

3. Positive Mental Attitude. (PMA)
Believe in yourself – first and foremost! What you believe yourself to be, you are. Your mental attitude is the medium by which you can balance your life and your relationship to people and circumstances – to attract what you desire.

We are all born equal in the sense that we all have equal access to the Great Principle:

“The right to control our thoughts and mental attitude”. A positive Mental Attitude is the greatest of life’s riches… it is through this attitude that anything worthwhile is achieved.

Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want. Remember the old proverb: “Be very careful what you set your heart on, for you will surely achieve it.”

4. Self-Discipline
Self-discipline, or self-control, means taking possession of your own mind. The power of thought is the only thing over which any human being has complete unquestionable control.

We have the power of self-determination, the ability to choose what our thoughts and actions will be. If you direct your thought and control your emotions, you will ordain your destiny. Take charge of your life. You are what you think!  Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, and ordain your destiny!

5. Personal Initiative
Personal initiative bears the same relationship to an individual that a self-starter bears to an automobile!  It is the power that starts all action. It is the power that assures completion of anything one begins.  Personal initiative is the inner power that starts all action.

Personal initiative is self-motivation. It is the dynamo that spurs the faculty of your imagination into action and inspires you to finish what you start.

Today’s employer usually is yesterday’s employee who found opportunity waiting for him at the end of the second mile.

6. Be Passionate
“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”- G. W. F. Hegel

Passion leads to enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a state of mind. It inspires action and is the most contagious of all emotions.

Enthusiasm is a combination of mental and physical energy which is seldom found in an ailing body. It thrives best where sound physical health abounds.

Sound health begins with the development and maintenance of health consciousness, just as economic success begins with a prosperity consciousness. Passion comes from within. Find what makes you happy and connect it with your purpose.

7. Inspiring Personality
A pleasing personality is the aggregate of all the agreeable, gratifying, and likable qualities of any one individual. The attitudes you transmit to others will tell more about yourself than the words you say or how you look. It’s not physical attractiveness but most importantly how you present yourself.  It is a PMA characteristic.

You can generate enthusiasm by your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is essential that you develop a Pleasing Personality – pleasing to yourself and others.

8. Accurate Thinking
Accurate thought involves two fundamentals.

    • First, you must separate facts from mere information or perception.
    • Second, you must separate facts into two classes – the important and the unimportant.

Only by so doing can you think clearly and accurately.

Accurate thinkers permit no one to do their thinking for them. Gather information and listen to the opinions of others, but reserve for yourself the privilege of making decisions. The truth will be the truth, regardless of a closed mind, ignorance, or the refusal to believe.

9. Maintenance of Sound Health
Follow work with play, mental effort with physical, eating with fasting, the seriousness with humor, and you will be on the road to sound health and happiness.

You are a mind with a body! Since your brain controls your body, know that sound physical health is dependent upon a Positive Mental Attitude.

Establish a sound, well-balanced health habits in work, play, rest, nourishment and study, and develop and maintain positive thought habits. Remember, what your mind focuses upon, your mind brings into existence.

10. Going the Extra Mile
Render more and better service than that for which you are paid, and sooner or later you will receive compound interest on compound interest from your investment. For it is inevitable that every seed of useful service you sow will multiply itself and come back to you in overwhelming abundance.

Put your mind to work. Access your ability and energy. Think of how you can do it better! It doesn’t take money… all it takes is ingenuity and a strong desire to be genuine service. Helping others to solve their problems will help you to solve your own. The most successful people are those who serve the greatest number of people.

11. Mastermind Alliance
The Mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. No two minds ever come together without a third invisible force, which may be likened to a “third mind.”

When a group of individual minds is coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual in the group. No man can become a permanent success without taking others along with him.

12. Teamwork
Teamwork is the willing cooperation and coordination of effort to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is sharing a part of what you have – a part that is good – with others!

Teamwork differs from the Mastermind principle in that it is based on coordination of effort without necessarily embracing the principle of Definitude of Purpose or the Principle of absolute harmony, both of which are essential to a Mastermind Alliance.

Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset which you can acquire in proportion to your giving.

13. Budgeting Time and Money
Effectiveness in human endeavor calls for the organized budgeting of time. Have a clear-cut plan of time allocation and management in view of what you are aiming to achieve, and accordingly allocate all other resources.

The successful person budgets time, income, and expenditures, living within his or her means. The failure squanders time and income with a contemptuous disregard for their value.

Tell me how you use your spare time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be ten years from now.

14. Be Focused!
Controlled attention is the act of coordinating all the faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a given end. It is an act that can be achieved only by the strictest sort of self-discipline.

Learn to fix your attention on a given subject, at will, for whatever length of time you choose. You will have learned the secret to power and plenty! This is concentration.

Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want!

15. Adversity and Defeat
Every adversity you meet carries with it a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Realize this statement and believe in it. Close the door of your mind on all the failures and circumstances of your past so your mind can operate in a Positive Mental Attitude.

If you develop an “I don’t believe in defeat attitude,” you will learn that there is no such thing as defeat – until you accept it as such! If you can look at problems as temporary setbacks and stepping-stones to success, you will come to believe that the only limitations you have are the ones in your own mind.

Remember: every defeat, every disappointment, and every adversity carry with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

Every problem has a solution – only you have to find it! Or get support from who can help to find it!!! And, nothing else should stop you from achieving what you want to achieve.

Personal Excellence and achieving your goals are a journey. Like any journey, before you set on the same, planning and preparation are vital. So, as your personal excellence journey as well, and the journey is within… You will be successful when you create successful habits and follow through the same consistently.

You are where you are and what you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds. Man is the only living creature equipped with the power of choice through which he may establish his own thought and behavior patterns.

You have the power to break bad habits and to create good ones in their place – at will. You can do it if you believe you can.
